In the year 2017, Ron Gilber and Gary Winnick delighted us with the release of Thimbleweed Park, a point-and-click adventure game for everybody who loves this genre, expecially for the fans of Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion.
I, as lover of this game and Monkey Island, am now here giving the step by step commands to solve this game in easy mode.
Have a great adventure!
Part one
Take the rock
Use rock on light
Go right, get hit
Part two
As Angela Ray, detective.
Give camera to Antonio Rayes, the male detective.
Rayes. Use polaroid film in camera
Use camera on corpse
You get photo of body
Go left and out to Trestle road
Talk to the pigeon bros while on the road
Walk to town going right
Talk to the coroner
Go upstairs to the sheriff room
Talk to the sheriff
Open cabinet on the right, middle drawer, you get a fingerprint book
Talk to pigeons on the right, they need a wc-67 tube
Go to b street
Enter Rickie cakes
Talk to Rickie Lee
Ask for the wc-67 tube
Give wc-67 tube to pigeons in main street
Enter “A” street, talk to Willie until he asks for a wallet trade
Go right into the Occult Books store
Talk to madame Morena until she asks for a mushroom
Enter the Us post office in A street
Talk to the postal worker
Pickup the steaky tape
Walk to outskirts, right of main street
Cutscene with sheriff
Enter bathroom at Quickie pal
Pickup toilet paper
Enter S&D Diner on main street
Talk to Sandy
Play Ransome backflash
Take card
Take Ioweyou note
Pickup poster
Open safe
Pikcup money
Walk to door and exit
Go to backstage
Pick up swear jar
Use hair gel
Use makup
Use clown nose from the inventory
Exit and go left to midway
Talk to Carney Joe
Pay him
Go to stage
Say your lines until the end of the flashback
Talk to Sandy again
Ask for a hotdog
Go back to the corpse
Use toilet paper on body
Go right and enter the sewers
Walk to tunnel, go left, enter first door
Pickup magic mushrooms
Pick up ice pick
Exit sewer
Go back to town
From the coroner room, take the fimgerprint kit in hte cabinet on the right, top drawer
Use fingerkit on ice pick
Use sticky tape on ice pick with fimgerprints
Go back to A street
Give mushrooms to morena
Enter the nickel news shop
Talk to natalie
Look at policetron 3000
Note what she is on to
Switch to the policetron radio in the mayor office
Use it
Call attention all units about what Natalie is up to
Natalie will leave the shop
Get the map on the wall
Copy it using the copytron on the right
Leave store
Walk to vista view
Walk to county
Show map to sherrif.
Part three
Go to hotel
Play as Franklin flash back
Enter hotel
Go to right to the annoyong kid
Use radio
Talk to he kid
Prove him that you know of the latest and greatest
Use radio
Give kid a pillowbear
Trade for glasses
Enter elevator
Use nose glasses
Check in
Ask the manager to photocopy your presentation
Go to your room
Use key card to enter your room
Phone will be ringing cutscene
Use bubble gum on hotel tron 3000
Exit room
Walk to floor 10
Pick up standard room example photo
Go back to your room
Use room photo with gum
Use telephone
Talk to manager
Go to franklin edmun’s room
Look at gum
Exit room
Play as Edmund
Float to door
Zap elevator to go Lobby
Splash or chill drinking fountain on the right when the kid is drinking
As Ray, go to the victim’s room
Pick up passport
Examine it
Go to main street
Go to coroner room
Use passport in facetron
Use photo of body on facetron
Pick up identity report
Use fingerprint from ice pick in fingertron
Use fingerprint book in fingertron
Pick up fingerprint report
Use bloody toilet paper in bloodtron
Go to old circus
Use clown horn
Play as the clown
Pickup Ransome’s poster
Open safe
Pick up book
Pick up pages, all
Use page with book, all of the,
Open microwave
Exit to trailers
Walk to circus ground
Enter the backstage
Look at mirror
Exit the backstage
Pick up popcorn bag
Pick up popcorn from the ground until the bag is full
Go back to your trailer
Feed hamster
Exit the circus to the road
Give wallet to Ray
Go to A street as Ray
Trade Ransome’s wallet with Willie’s
Go back to coroner
Use wallet with bloodtron
Get blood report
As Rayes, go to Sandy’s and order a hotdog
As Ransome go to Sandy and order a hotdog
Go to the bus station
Start Dolores story
Exit room
Take the first on front door you see
Try to enter the rightmost door
Watch cutscene Edmund Franklin and Chuck discussing.
Pick up full ink bottle
Exit door
Go back to the hall
Go down the stairs
Exit house
Open the mailtron
Read magazine
Go back to your room
Use ink with printer
Use computer
Answer questions as you like
Pick up envelope
Get letter from George the postman
Exit house
Use letter to mmucasflem with lettertron
Wait for 5 days
Go back to your room
Open letter, 4 tries
Go to uncle room
Talk to uncle Chuck
As Ray Go talk to Dolores
As Dolores go to the library on the first floor
Call Brant Bailwick by looking at the phone book for his number. He is at thimblecon87
Btw. You can give a copy of the map to each charater and double click on the map to move faster in the county.
Go to uncle Chuck room
Take the large tube
Pick up uncle Chuck journal
Go to main street, into sheriff’s office
User large tube with arrestotron 3000
Switch to Ray or to whoever has got the 3 reports
Go to sheriff office
Use identity report with arrestotron
Use fingerprint report with arrestotron
Use blood report with arrestotron
Cutscene with sheriff-a-reno
Ray and rayes will leave.
Part four
Switch to ransome
Play as edmond
Play as dolores
Go to hotel, thimblecon is on
Talk to manager about having tickets
Go to mansion
Enter your room
Use ascii chart
Play as ray
Use telephone
Use radio
Use phone book to search for KScum radio
Call kscum radio
Answer the prize questions. At least 2 answers must be correct
Play as Rayes
Answer phone
Exit room
Ray will take the package
Rayes will take package
Play as Rayes, open package
Play as Ray
Open package
Go to lobby
Take tickets by talking to the manager
Give tickets to Dolores and to Ransome the clown
As Dolores, enter thimblecon
Talk to Brant, the lawyer
Ask him to read the will
Talk to sexy rider
Go to S&D diner on main street sud
Take the hotdog
Go back into S&D diner
Talk to Sandy
Order for a hamburger
Go to hotel
Give hamburger to sexy rider at thimblecon
Wait for him to leave
Take jeweler’s tools
Give tools to Rayes
Play as Rayes
Go to sheriff room
Talk to Willie and discover he repairs watches
give tools to Willie
Give pocket watch to Willie
Play as Dolores
Go to mansion, enter the library
Go to Dolores’s room
Pick up the Graphics basic
Use graphics basic with computer
Use will with computer
Go back to library
Give will to Brant
Give cake to Brant, while talking to him
Play as Edmund, the ghost
Go to thimblecon
Talk to Virgil the ghost in thimblecon
Play as ransome
Go to thimblecon
Enter the contest on the rightmost area
Play as Edmund
Go to penthouse
Try to enter the door on the right
Play as Rayes
Enter penthouse in hotel
Open secret entrance on the right
Play as the ghost
Enter secret room
Float to portal
Float to tomb door
Zap switch.
Part five
The reading cutscene.
Part six
Float to portal
Play as Dolores
Go to main street
Enter the bank
Pick up the key when el Paulo the banker looks away
Go to the abandoned factory
Use factory key on gate
Enter factory
Go to archway
Go left
Enter the first door
Pick up the handbook
Read handbook for the Code information number to call
As Rayes or anybody close to a phone, call that number and note the clock time they give.
As Ray go to lock 1 at factory back in the archway and then on the left
Use clock in time lock
Set the clock as told on the phone
Go to lock 2
Set clock to the same time + 5 minutes
Go to lock 3
Use clock in time watch adding 5 minutes
Go to lock 4
Use lever
Use clock in time watch adding 5 minutes
Go to the main door
Use red button
Bring all charaters to open the big door except the last one, i.e. Dolores
Play as Dolores, walk to the big doors.
Part seven
Walk to lower level using the ladder on the rigt
Walk to corridor five times
Walk to door
Pick up journal
Pick up floppy disk
Pick up hat
Use floopy in computer
Use computer
Do hard rebooting.
Part eight
Walk to door
Wait for the security door to explode
Walk to stairs
Push button
Push button
Go right
Use hat
Cross the lasers
Walk to door
Look at the sign close to the fan
As Edmund, Call the number on the sign by zapping a phone and calling
As Dolores, The fan will stop, pass it
As Edmund, Call again the fan system to turn it back on
As Dolores, walk to trap door
As Ray, enter trap door
Use strange tool on slot
As Dolores, enter trap door
Walk to doorway
Talk to Uncle Chuck
Push all big tubes except one
Part nine
As Ray, go to thimblecon
Give Game of the Year thophy to Ron Gilbert
Pick up puzzle development chart
As Ransome, go to S&D diner
Give “I’m sorry for being a dick” card to Sandy
Play Ransome flashback
Walk to stage door
Insult for an achivement or play nice
As Reyes, go to A street News shop
Give chuck’s confession to Natalie
As Dolores, go to bridge
go to the corpse
Use balloon animal on the corpse
Go to the factory
Open gate
Walk to big doors
Enter second door
Walk to blast door
Walk to door
Pass the lasers
Walk to door
Pass the fan
Walk to wireframe pillowTron
Walk to opening
Push all Pt-109 tubes.